RemTroll Server Instructions

Follow these directions to get started with RemTroll on your machine. More details are available at our wiki.

Any pink text is meant to be run in a command line / terminal.


  1. Install Node.js on your server.
  2. Install RemTroll: npm install -g remtroll-server
  3. Configure RemTroll: remtroll --config
  4. Setup your SSL certificate if you'd like.
  5. Start RemTroll: remtroll

Add To App

  1. Run the setup: remtroll --setup and remember your 4 digit code.
  2. Start the app on your phone.
  3. Press the plus button to add a server.
  4. Choose the Automated option.
  5. Type 4 digit code into your app.
  6. Choose a name for your server, and enter the password you used during installation.

That's it! You should now see the server in the list and be able to power it on or off.

Creating a self-signed SSL certificate

Substitute your own filenames for server-key.pem and server-cert.pem.

  1. Install the OpenSSL command line.
  2. openssl genrsa -out server-key.pem 1024
  3. openssl req -new -key server-key.pem -out server-csr.pem
  4. openssl x509 -req -in server-csr.pem -signkey server-key.pem -out server-cert.pem
  5. Save the server-key and server-cert files in a safe place.
  6. Re-run the RemTroll configuration process: remtroll --config
  7. Make sure you answer true to whether to use a secure server, and enter the absolute path to your cert and key files.
  8. Restart your RemTroll server.
  9. Run setup to add your server to the RemTroll app.

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